The Rosenblum lab studies the processes that generate and impact biological diversity,  particularly  in determining the mechanisms of rapid adaptation of animals to changing environments. My thesis explored the microhabitat use of the Eastern Fence Lizard on White Sands, a desert with white gypsum substrate in New Mexico.  

Although I am focused on immunology research now, being a part of the Rosenblum at U.C. Berkeley has been high influential on my academic ambitions. Participating in the lab was my first exposure to conducting a real scientific project, for example being able to ask a question that has not yet been answered by any textbook yet. The Rosenblum lab, in particular Dr. Rosenblum and Dr. Des Roches introduced me to the foundations of academic research and have been ever helpful guides ever since.

The Rosenblum Lab has given me a unique perspective when studying immunology and microbiology. I have found it extremely enlightening to apply concepts like colonization patterns in novel environments and microhabitat usage in niche ecological systems to microbiota and immune cells in the human body in the context of disease. I hope to continue to stay informed about macro-ecology research because I believe macro-ecological findings may provide a lot of insight into micro-ecology within the human body. 



Microhabitat use of the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) on the White Sands ecotone.
