Curriculum Vitae

Jacqueline Howells

+1(415) 260-6514 ||


Brown University, Providence, RI

Doctor of Philosophy: Aug 2017 - Present

Principal Investigators: Dr. Craig Lefort

Department: Division of Surgery

Program: Pathobiology

Relevant Coursework: The Biology of Aging, Neurogenetics and Disease, Advanced Neurobiology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Innate Immunology, Host-Microbe Interaction, The Diseased Brain.

University of California, Berkeley, CA 

Bachelor of Science, Aug 2009 - May 2013 

Major: Environmental Science – Emphasis in Biology

Minor: Italian Studies

Relevant Coursework: Senior Research Seminar, Integrative Biology Field Studies, Wildlife Ecology, Evolution, Evolutionary Genetics, Methods of Environmental Science, Organic Chemistry, Global Environmental Problems, American Wildlife, General Biology, General Chemistry, Cognitive Science Group Study.

Senior Thesis: Microhabitat use of the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) on the White Sands ecotone.Linked here

Lowell High School, San Francisco, CA  

High School Diploma, Aug 2005 - Jun 2009      

Graduated with Honors    

Learn More about Lowell High School

Documentary about Lowell High School : Try Harder!                                            

Research Experience

  1. Div. of Surgery, R.I. Hospital,Brown Univeristy

Principle Investigator: Dr. Craig Lefrot

PhD Candidate, Pathobiology Program- Jan 2021-Present

Research Focus: Investigating mechanisms of myeloid progenitor engraftment in the bone marrow using a HOXB8 dependent conditionally immortalized neutrophil progenitor cell line which has two unique properties discovered so far: 1) they are able to engraft in bone marrow niche space without using irradiation or chemotherapies to create bone marrow niche space in murine hosts 2) engraft via a novel mechanism that is VLA4 independent For patients with diseases of myeloid origin that require myeloablative conditioning, acute neutropenia is one of the major risk factors for fungal and bacterial infections. Thus, evaluating this cell line’s homing and engraftment capacity under clinically relevant conditions is imperative to discerning utility as an adjunctive cellular therapy to ameliorate this side effect. Since this cell line does not rely on integrins canonically required for transplanted progenitors, we will probe these cells to identify key integrins involved in progenitor homing and proliferative capacity in vivo , which will provide insights into fundamental neutrophil progenitor biology as well as further understanding of the contexts under which these cells could be used in a clinical setting Additionally, I will be investigating the roles of focal adhesion molecule α-actinin in neutrophil recruitment and arrest. Ideally, this data will provide a clearer understanding of how neutrophils home, engraft, and recruit under normal physiological conditions in addition to providing evidence for how these progenitor neutrophil lines could be used in the clinic as a targeted cellular therapy for immunodeficiency and neutropenia. I hope to also study how these cells function when challenged with non-sterile inflammation caused by C. albicans and S. aureus.

  • Use LentiX CRISPR-Cas9 to knock out key integrin candidates involved in neutrophil progenitor cell line engraftment.

  • Performed cell culture of HOXB8 conditionally immortalized neutrophil progenitor cell lines.

2. Brown Unveristy, Providence Ri, EEB/Neuroscience Dept  

Principle Investigators: Dr. Marc Tatar & Dr. Karla Kaun

PhD Student, Pathobiology Program, Sept 2017 – Present

Research Focus: Investigating the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease and associated physiological and behavioral abnormalities using drosophila models of Alzheimer’s Disease, Tauopathies, and Huntington’s Disease.

  • Developed original research questions and following experimental designs for new neurodegeneration project.

  • Isogenized genetic mutant fly lines for aging experiments.

  • Performed demography to assess lifespan and mortality rate of mutant flies.

  • Performed drosophila brain and fat body dissections for gene expression analysis.

  • Performed behavioral assays measuring fly activity levels to assess locomotion, olfaction, and other behaviors associated with specific neural circuits.

  • Regular attendance to aging and neurobiology seminars and lectures provided at Brown.

4. University of California, San Francisco, CA - Diabetes Center        

Principle Investigator: Dr. Jeffrey Bluestone    

Staff Research Associate, Sept 2013 – June 2017    

Advisor: Dr. Hilary Thomas                                                                                                      

Research Focus I:  Investigating cellular phenotype and function associated with markers of βeta cell function in patients with longstanding Type I Diabetes  

  • Assisted in scheduling and performing blood draws, processing PBMCs.

  • Developed and refined human immunological assays and culture techniques including sorting T Regulatory Cells and T Effector Cells to perform functional assays.

  • Performing flow cytometer analysis, developed antibody-staining panels.

  • Analyzed using FlowJo, BD FACS DIVA, and PRISM.

  • Trained summer medical student in flow cytometry.

Advisor: Dr. Eleonora Trotta                                                                                                    

Research Focus II: Investigating the mechanism of action and function of modified LFA3-Fc molecules in suppressing activated T cells.

  • Perform in vivo experiments with Pfizer industry collaborators with in vitro assays to screen candidate molecules for the purpose of treating 1 diabetes.

  • Assess in vivo activity of molecules using a humanized mice and human PBMCs

Advisor: Dr. Caroline Raffin                                                                                                         

Research Focus III:  Development of citrullinated-vimentin-specific CAR targeting Tregs to treat autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Assisted in bacterial transfection with CV Specific CAR.

  • Performed PCR and gel electrophoresis to confirm transfection

  • Performed immunohistochemical staining on osteoclast cells

5. UC Berkeley, College of Natural Resources

Principal Investigator: Dr. Erica Rosenblum

Undergraduate Researcher/Research Associate, May 2012–Sep. 2013

Advisor: Dr. Simone Des Roches                                                                                   Research Focus I: Microhabitat use of the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) on the White Sands ecotone. 

  • Collected data on Eastern Fence Lizard species morphology, phenotype, and microhabitat.

  • Performed Statistical analysis with R software.

  • Composed thesis and presented thesis.

Research Focus II: Assisted graduate student Dr. Simone Des Roches in her Ph.D. project on ongoing natural selection and rapid adaptation of lizard species in White Sands.

  • Collected lizards in multiple desert sites by noosing.

  • Assisted in developing a less invasive protocol for collecting DNA samples from lizard saliva using buccal swabs

  • Analyzed samples to determine genotype at the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) using PCR and Gel electrophoresis.

  • Aided in new project regarding species of crickets in White Sands.

6. University of California, Berkeley,  MCB

Principle Investigator: Dr. David Raulet

Laboratory Assistant, Mar 2011- Sep 2013   

  • Determine phenotype the phenotype and genotype of RAG OT1 transgenic and B6 NKG2D mice and for lab experimental use using flow cytometry and PCR

  • Assisted in weaning and breeding mice.

  • Trained and scheduled incoming undergraduate laboratory assistants.

  • Assisted the lab manager with administrative duties including ordering and inventory.

Outreach and Services

  1. 17th Annual Symposium The Blood-Brain Barrier: Key to Brain Health and Disease , Brown University Delegate, August 17th-20th, 2021 Purpose: to participate in “The Blood-Brain Barrier: Key to Brain Health and Disease” symposium hosted by the Journal of Internal Medicine and the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences.

  2. Simply Neuroscience Brain Disease Panel, Panelist/Featured Speaker, May 23rd, 2021. Purpose: To discuss current research, experiences regarding neurological diseases, and a live Q & A session with an audience from the public. Simply Neuroscience works to develop students' interest in neuroscience and psychology through education, outreach, and awareness..

  3. Fly Club, Brown University, Co-Coordinator, November 2018-June 2020 Purpose: To coordinate meeting for drosophila researchers at Brown once a month to share drosophila research ideas and techniques as well as foster a larger drosophila community by inviting outside speakers to present drosophila related research.

  4. Pathobiology Peer Mentorship, Brown University

  5. Pathobiology Student Liaison / Peer Mentor, August 2018-Present Purpose:  Promoting and improving graduate student well-being. Our mission is to foster supportive relationships with fellow graduate students through community-building activities, regular communication, and personalized mentorship.

    • Mentees:

  • Layra Citron-Rivera (2018-2019)

  • Ryan O’Rourke (2019-2020)

  • Rebecca Yunker (2020-2021)

Introductory Microbiology (BIOL0510) Graduate Teaching Assistant, Brown University, Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2019. Purpose: BIOL01510 “Introduces role of microbes in our understanding of biology at the cellular and molecular level. Focuses on microbial significance for infectious disease, public health, genetics, biotechnology, and biogeochemical cycles. Laboratory involves basic microbiological techniques and selection and manipulation of microbes.”

  • Assisted undergraduate students in performing and understanding the laboratory components with an emphasis on techniques, observation, and best practices for experiment write-ups.

  • Presented regular review lectures and question sessions on class materials to aid in preparation for exams.

  • Proctored and graded exams & laboratory reports.

Society of Women in Science, University of California, Berkeley, Activities Planner and Historian, May 2011-May 2013  Purpose: Providing educational support and opportunities targeted towards women and girls interested in STEM fields 

  • Women in Science Speaker Series-Helped host U.C. Berkeley female faculty who shared their experiences in STEM fields to undergraduates

  • UC Berkeley Relay For Life- held fundraiser provided educational material regarding breast cancer.

  • UC Berkeley Expanding Your Horizons-volunteered as an undergrad mentor and lead group of girls in 6th-9th grade through different workshops focused on chemistry, biology, physics, and computer science.

Saves the Frogs Day- University of California, Berkeley

  • Instructor, April 2012

  • Purpose:  Event for elementary school children to increase awareness of declines in populations of amphibians worldwide due to chytrid pathogens.

White Sands Community Camp, University of California, Berkeley

  • Instructor, May 2012-May 2013

  • Purpose: To lead 2-day educational experience for children and the community surrounding White Sands on the National Park ecosystem.  

Berkeley Local Science Instructor

  • Volunteer Instructor,  Sep 2010- May 2011  

  • Purpose: visit and elementary school bi-monthly to demonstrate interactive science experiments.


  1. Society of Leukocyte Biology (SLB) Trainee award for outstanding contributions related to the SLB mission. (current SLB member) - December 2022- present

  2. The Neutrophil 2022 International Symposium SLB and Journal of Leukocyte Biology (JLB) travel award winner for outstanding research contributions in the field of neutrophil Biology. December 2022

  3. The Neutrophil International 2022 International Symposium Conference presentation of current research “Mechanisms of HOXB8-derived neutrophil progenitor engraftment and recruitment in vivo” December 2022

  4. Biological INformation processing Systems (BINS) invited speaker June 10th, 17th, 25th of 2021. Presented a 3 part seminar series on philosophy of immunology and and brain disease Link to BINS: Neuroimmunology Presentation | LInk to BINS Website

  5. Neurological and Psychiatric Disease Panel. Simply Neuroscience Virtual Event. May 2021, Invited Panelist. Discussed personal perspectives and research to a public audience with mostly high school and undergraduate level attendees interested in pursuing a career in neurobiology or psychiatry.

  6. Altered immune signaling and behavior in a novel Drosophila model of Frontotemporal lobe dementia. Nature Neurogenetics Presentation July 29, 2020 Virtual Meeting. Jacqueline Howells, Corinne Hutfilz, Rochele Yamamoto, Neal Silverman, Robert Reenan, Karla R. Kaun, and Marc Tatar.

  7. Altered immune signaling and behavior in a novel Drosophila model of Frontotemporal lobe dementia. Conte Symposium on Neuro-Immune Interactions, Boston, MA, March 2020, Poster, Accepted (but not delivered due to COVID19 rescheduling, plan to present when the conference is rescheduled), Jacqueline Howells, Corinne Hutfilz, Rochele Yamamoto, Neal Silverman, Robert Reenan, Karla R. Kaun, and Marc Tatar.

  8. Altered immune signaling and behavior in a novel Drosophila model of Frontotemporal lobe dementia. Neuro-Immune Interactions in the Central Nervous System Keystone Symposium, Keystone Resort - Keystone, CO, USA, JUN 2020, Poster, Accepted (but not delivered due to COVID19 rescheduling, plan to present when the conference is rescheduled), Jacqueline Howells, Corinne Hutfilz, Rochele Yamamoto, Neal Silverman, Robert Reenan, Karla R. Kaun, and Marc Tatar.

  9. “Altered immune signaling and behavior in a novel Drosophila model of Pick’s disease” February 2020. Poster presented at the inaugural Tau2020 Global Conference, Washington D.C.

  10. Awarded the Tau2020 Global Conference Travel Fellowship of $1200 to attend and present at the conference by the Alzheimer’s Association.

  11. MBoA Symposium Invited Speaker Presentation of "Innate immunity as a mechanism of tau-mediated neurodegeneration.” Oct 2019. Talk given at the Molecular Biology of Aging Graduate Program Symposium, Brown University.

  12. Brown University Presidential Fellowship Nominee. Fall 2017.

  13. Authored an insight article on mentorship published in Editage Insights see here: My mentors changed the trajectory of my life. Fall 2017

  14. Thomas, Hilary R., Jacqueline Howells, and Jeffrey A. Bluestone. Proinsulin as a Marker of Beta-Cell Health. DIABETES. Vol. 65. 1AMER DIABETES ASSOC, 2016.

  15. Proinsulin as a Marker of Beta-Cell Health Hilary R. Thomas, Jacqueline Howells, Jeffery A. Bluestone, Integrated Physiology/Obesity, San Francisco, CA. 2016.Integrated Physiology/Obesity

  16.   Generation of knock-in primary human T cells using Cas9 ribonucleoproteins, PNAS, 2015.

  17. When Field Experiments Yield Unexpected Results: Lessons Learned from Measuring Selection in White Sands Lizards

    • Contributed to field work and discussions.

  18. National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Awardee. May 2012-May 2013 Purpose: Awarded to conduct thesis research in the Rosenblum Lab, UC Berkeley

  19. Invited Speaker to present thesis research on "Microhabitat Use of the Eastern Fence Lizard on the White Sands Ecotone”, May 2013 Purpose: Presentation given at the Environmental Science Symposium, UC Berkeley.


  • Sheridan Teaching Certificate I

  • Cell Culture: Suppression assays, intracellular cytokine staining, dose-response titrations, mixed lymphocyte reaction

  • Flow Cytometry: Experienced using the Fortessa, Aria Cell Sorter, FACS Calibur, and LSRII

  •  PCR

  • Mouse splenectomy, hepatectomy, lobectomy, intravenous tail injection, intraperitoneal injection.

  • Drosophila craniotomy and fat body isolation.

  • RNA extraction

  • Quantitative RTPCR

  • Microarray gene expression analysis.

  • Confocal imaging (Zeiss LSM 880, Olympus FV3000)

  • HIPAA trained and certified

  • Matlab proficiency

  •  R Programming



  • Dr. Craig Lefort -

  • Dr. Jonathan Reichner -

  • Dr. Amanda Jamieson -

  • Dr. Christopher Moore -

  • Dr. Karla Kaun-

  • Dr. Jennifer Sanders -

  • Dr. Richard Bennett -

  • Dr. Jeffrey Bluestone -

  • Dr. Hilary Thomas -

  • Dr. Eleonora Trotta -

  • Dr. Caroline Raffin -

  • Dr. Erica Bree Rosenblum -

  • Dr. Simone Des Roches -

Colleagues/Fellow Students:

Current/Former Lab Mates:

  • Kristina Hinman- Lefot Lab MD/PhD student,

  • Shade Rodriguez-Lefort Lab PhD student |

  • Corinne_Hutfilz, PhD, Brown MCB program |

  • Katie McCullar, PhD cand Brown Neuroscience|

  • Tariq Brown- PhD Candidate Brown Neuro |

  • Natalie D’Silva- PhD PostDoc, Brown|

  • Mikki Brinkmeyer,, clinical coordinator contact linkedin

Colleagues essential for inter-discplinary work, outreach, & services

(listed in no particular order)

  • Lauren Lucas, PhD Cand(micro/metab) Un Wisc Madison,

  • Rachel Woods-Robinson, PhD MaterialSci UC Berkeley, linkedin

  • Ellen Key, Physical Therapist (systems/outcome), Linkedin

  • Jenna Wurster, PhD in Patho (Microbiome) ,

  • Alex Jordan, Patho PhD Cand (immuno),

  • Miles Mundy, Patho PhD Cand (immuno),

  • Sinda Fekhir, Neuro PhD Cand (systems),

  • Dennis Bonal, Patho PhD Cand(Cancer),

  • Julia Licholai, Neuro PhD Cand NIH/Brown,

  • Ash Uruchurtu, Patho PhD Cand(cancer),

  • Iliana Escobar, PhD in Patho (tra,nslational),

  • BrandonArmstead, Patho PhD Cand(Immun)

  • Amanda Ruiz, Patho PhD Cand(parasitology),

  • Kimberly Meza, Patho PhD Cand(Cancer),

  • Samantha Borys, Patho PhD Cand (immuno),

  • Mae Staples, PhD in Patho (Microbiology),

  • Jenna Morris-Love, PhD in Patho(Virology),

  • Kayla Campbell, PhD in Patho (immuno),

  • Garvin Dodard, Phd in Patho (Immuno),

  • Anders Ohman, PhD in Patho(Cancer),

  • Shannon Martin, Patho PhD Cand (Dev),

  • Thomas Sgouros,faculty Brown compsci,